FlexKeeper Virtual Services

in Columbia, SC

  • Business Financial Management

  • Bookkeeping & Accounting

  • Tax Preparation

  • Administrative Support

  • and so much more!

Business Financial Management

for your Company in Columbia, SC

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. From managing day to day operations to ensuring customer satisfaction, your time is in high demand. However, one critical aspect of running a successful business is often overlooked – financial management.


Business financial management is the process of managing all aspects of your business’s finances, including budgeting, cash flow, forecasting, and investments. It involves creating a financial plan that aligns with your business goals and monitoring its performance regularly to make necessary adjustments. Sound financial management is crucial for the long-term success and growth of any business.


Small business owners often struggle with financial management due to various reasons. For one, they may not have the necessary knowledge or skills in this area. Moreover, it can be time-consuming and overwhelming to manage finances on top of all your other responsibilities. However, neglecting financial management can lead to serious consequences such as cash flow problems, overspending, and even bankruptcy.


At FlexKeeper, we proudly provide the highest quality business financial management services to the Columbia, SC area. With an experienced CPA team, our remote experts are dedicated to keeping your finances on track so you can focus on growing your business.

flexkeeper business financial management in columbia sc
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Bookkeeping & Accounting

for your Company in Columbia SC

The financial health of your business is crucial to its success. Proper bookkeeping and accounting practices are necessary to monitor the financial transactions within an organization, such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments. This data is essential for making informed business decisions and preparing accurate tax returns. At FlexKeeper, our remote team of professionals can assist you with all your bookkeeping and accounting needs to ensure the success of your company. Contact us today to learn more about our Virtual Bookkeeping & Accounting Services in Columbia SC.

Tax Preparation

Columbia Residents and Business Owners Trust

When it comes to tax preparation, individuals and business owners often find themselves overwhelmed with the constantly changing tax codes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is known for making frequent adjustments to credit and deduction allowances, making it challenging for taxpayers to keep up. This is where FlexKeeper comes in – as your trusted solution for all your tax preparation needs in Columbia SC.

At FlexKeeper, we understand the importance of accurate and timely tax preparation. That’s why we work closely with our clients in the Columbia area to ensure their taxes are prepared correctly and submitted on time. No more last-minute stress and rushing to meet deadlines – our team of experts has got you covered.

Administrative Support

for your Columbia SC Company

As a small business owner, you wear many hats and juggle numerous tasks daily. The To-Do List never seems to end and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. This is where administrative support comes in. It allows you to focus on the core aspects of your business and leave the administrative tasks to a capable team.

Whether you need data entry, calendar, and email management, or implementing workflow solutions, our remote team will provide value at the highest level. Contact us today to learn more about the Administrative Support Columbia SC business owners appreciate!

As certified QuickBooks advisors, we can help you with your accounting program on a personal level. Whether you need help setting up the software for the first time, customizing it, getting trained, or fixing problems, our pros are here to help. We ensure you get the most out of QuickBooks so you can handle your finances well and make your business run more smoothly.

Our specialty is to create processes that streamline your business efficiently. We use our knowledge of resources to guide you.


We coordinate and create future posts to promote your company on Instagram and Facebook. We also keep your company’s profile up to date.


We streamline your tasks by handling customer payments through reminders, invoicing, payment processing, and more. Making your job easier is our priority.


We are here to assist you with the little things in life, such as filing.


Analytically and strategically, we are a stable foundation to benefit your business in growing and improving.


“We really stand behind women-owned businesses and instill confidence to keep breaking the glass ceiling.”

FlexKeeper Founder, Jodi Plett

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We’re passionate about numbers, names + knowing.

Elevate your business with our support services, freeing you up to tackle what truly counts. Trust us to handle the nitty-gritty details with finesse, so you can focus on the big picture. Reach out to our FlexKeeper crew today – let’s chat about tailoring our services to rock your business world!
Whether it’s coffee, cocktails or a solid zoom conversation, we love to curate a relational culture and grow fun-spirited, working relationships.
In our opinion, a well-oiled, transparent, working relationship and direct communication is key to success. It allows us to step in on your behalf, bringing back those meaningful, hand-written thank you letters to your clients, sending invoices, tracking expenses, bulk email sorting, organizing files and filing paperwork – just like you would have done it.
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Stack it up. Jenga-style. We’ll keep it balanced.

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